4.0 年少轻狂第一季
2.0 年少轻狂第三季
10.0 酿酒兄弟
3.0 扭曲的青春
2013 美国简介:某日,十六岁的少年丹尼(阿万·乔贾 Avan Jogia 饰)回到了家乡,在那里,他即将开始自己的高中生活。在家乡,丹尼重遇了曾经的玩伴乔(马蒂·海森 Maddie Hasson 饰)和莱斯(凯莉·班伯里 Kylie Bunbury 饰),如今,她们已经都是大姑娘了。 镇子上发生了一起谋杀案,一名女学生成为了案件中的受害者,而丹尼则成为了最大嫌疑人,这和丹尼的灰暗过往有关。十一岁那年,年幼的丹尼被指控谋杀了婶婶,证据确凿下,丹尼被关进了少管所,然而,对于自己的所作所为,丹尼一直坚称是正确的。如今,悲剧重演,过往的阴影挥之不去,事件的真相究竟是什么?在这起事件的背后,小镇的真实面貌渐渐浮现。 -
9.0 挪威的维京人第一季
2016 美国简介:Set in 790AD, Vikingane features the daily challenges of people living in a small Viking village, from power struggle, brother rivalry, gender equality, to betrayal and friendship. "It's the story of people from our time, but living during the Viking era. Of course everyday choices have far more dramatic consequences and that makes for great comedy material. -
9.0 挪威的维京人第二季
2017 美国简介:Set in 790AD, Vikingane meijubar.net features the daily challenges of people living in a small Viking village, from power struggle, brother rivalry, gender equality, to betrayal and friendship. "It's the story of people from our time, but living during the Viking era. Of course everyday choices have far more dramatic consequences and that makes for great comedy material.